Krylova Natal'ya

Author's profiles
Birth place
Russian Federation, Penza
Direction preparation
In 1998 she graduated from the natural - geographical faculty of the Penza State Pedagogical University. V.G. Belinsky with a degree in Biology. In the period from 1999-2001. received additional higher education at the Institute for Advanced Studies and Retraining of Educational Workers with a degree in Teacher-Psychology; from November 2001-2006 – full-time postgraduate studies and senior lecturer at the Department of Professional Pedagogy and Psychology, Penza State University; 2006-2013 - Associate Professor of the Departments of "Professional Pedagogy and Psychology", 2013-2016. - "Pedagogy and psychology of vocational education", from 2016 to the present - the department "Pedagogy and psychology".
teacher of biology and chemistry; educational psychologist
Academic degree
candidate of pedagogical sciences
Science rang
  1. Penza State University , Department of Pedagogy and Psychology , Associate Professor , 1998 until now Education level: Graduate school Specialty: 44.03.01 Педагогическое образование 44.03.04 Профессиональное обучение (по отраслям) 44.04.02 Психолого-педагогическое образование 44.04.04 Профессиональное обучение (по отраслям)
Scientific interests
GRNTI 14.31 Начальное профессионально-техническое образование. Педагогика профессиональной школы
GRNTI 14.33 Среднее профессиональное образование. Педагогика среднего профессионального образования
GRNTI 14.35 Высшее профессиональное образование. Педагогика высшей профессиональной школы
GRNTI 14.37 Образование взрослых. Повышение квалификации. Самообразование
GRNTI 14.43 Специализированные отрасли педагогики
GRNTI 14.85 Технические средства обучения и учебное оборудование
GRNTI 15.41 Социальная психология
VAC 5.3 Психология
VAC 5.8 Педагогика
professional education; professional and pedagogical education; formation of the ecological component of professional and pedagogical education at the university; diagnostics of students' health culture; methodological activity of vocational education teachers; individualization of education; development of individual educational routes; self-education; self-educational activity of students; self-regulation, self-attitude, self-awareness; professional and personal self-determination, the image of a future specialist; optimization of the student's intellectual activity; metacognition; intellectual graphic culture; sign-symbolic teaching aids; cognitive ergonomics; cognitive system
Scientific and pedagogical activity
since 2001 continuous pedagogical activity; in 2006 defended a dissertation research in the specialty 130008 - Theory and Methods of Vocational Education
Permanent participant of research projects on grants "Psychological and pedagogical conditions for the adaptation and creative development of a young person in the modern socio-cultural environment of the region"; “Health culture in the educational space of the region”; "Intellectual development of students at the university"; including - the head of the work on the grant of the Russian Humanitarian Foundation on the topic "Formation of the environmental component of vocational and pedagogical education at the university."
I was reviewed
Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
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