Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
employee from 01.01.2001 to 01.01.2020
Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
graduate student
Samara, Samara, Russian Federation
VAC 2.6.17 Материаловедение
UDK 621.791 Сварка и родственные процессы
BBK 346 Отдельные машиностроительные и металлоперерабатывающие процессы и производства
The paper gives the results of evaluating the effect of argon arc welding on the structure and properties of AMg2-10%TiC and AMg6-10%TiC composite materials produced by SHS method in a melt. During the research, permanent welded joints are obtained, characterized by single defects such as pores and lack of fusion. Metallographic analysis shows that, unlike matrix alloys, there is no grain heterogeneity on welded samples of composite materials after crystallization of the welding bath and an equiaxed cellular structure is formed. It is found out that the welding operation leads to grain growth on all samples, but dispersed reinforcing phase slows down this process, and the smallest size of the dendritic cell, regardless of the welding zone, is observed in AMg2-10%TiC sample. At the same time, the content of titanium carbide particles in welded samples of composite materials is noted in all three zones of the weld joint, although its amount decreases as it approaches the weld. It is also found out that additional beta-phase release of Al3Mg2 composition may occur in the welding zone, but there is no Al4C3 compound, which indicates the thermodynamic stability of the titanium carbide phase. The evaluation of mechanical properties shows more satisfactory characteristics for AMg2-10%TiC composite material, which makes it possible to recommend it for the manufacture of structures with welded joints operating under static compressive loads.
argon arc welding, composite material, size, grain, mechanical properties
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