Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
Improvement of maintenance and repair of passenger rolling stock, taking into account the introduction of its new types and models, is always relevant. Ensuring the effective use of complex engineering structures, which include the passenger car, is most appropriately carried out by monitoring its actual technical condition and changing the operation of the element base, which is achieved by using remote diagnostic equipment, which functionality includes transmitting information from the corresponding node to the microprocessor control unit, transforming the received digital codes in indicative information messages, displaying possible technical malfunctions on the panel. It is necessary to state the fact that passenger cars manufactured at the end of the 20th, beginning of the 21st century were not equipped with technical diagnostic systems and, given their short remaining service life, it is currently economically inexpedient to equip them with these systems, which leads to the need to find other solutions for monitoring and analyzing the operability of their systems. The study objective is to develop a technique for the rapid transmission of data on technical malfunctions of passenger car elements occurring along the route, taking measures to eliminate them, as well as systematization of the statistical data obtained on failures of service equipment, its analysis and subsequent development of solutions to improve quality and maintain a high level of comfort when traveling on passenger trains.
car, system, failure, analysis, service equipment, digital twin
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