Lugansk, Luhansk People's Republic
BBK 346 Отдельные машиностроительные и металлоперерабатывающие процессы и производства
The study objective is to determine the problems and optimal ways to recover the activities of industrial enterprises with long-term production downtime on the example of aviation plants performing the manufacture or mass overhaul of aircraft power plants (gas turbine engines, helicopter gearboxes, aggregates, modules, systems). The task presented in this paper is to develop proposals that should be used in the early recovery of production facilities in the new territories of the Russian Federation and its border zones. The paper briefly reveals the problems of restoring mass overhaul of aviation equipment as a typical example of a narrow-profile industrial activity, where bringing idle production in line with the requirements of Russian legislation has its own problems and industry features. The analysis of the factors of occurring, deepening and consequences of prolonged downtime of industrial enterprises presented in the study and methods for their accelerated recovery from the crisis require the development of an appropriate regulatory basis that takes into account the problems of the activities of management companies and ministries in non-standard conditions of the development of Russian industry. The novelty of the research work consists in the analysis of problems, trends and proposed methods for accelerated restoration of efficient industrial enterprises significant to the state with prolonged production downtime and non-compliance of their production and permits with the requirements of Russian legislation. This paper presents the results of research on the development of crisis situations in idle enterprises and ways to get out of them as soon as possible, taking into account compliance with legal norms and requirements of relevant industry regulatory documents. The conclusions in the paper are based on the practice of mass enterprises and contain optimal ways to accelerate their output to the required level. For this purpose, two models of a unified state policy have been developed in relation to enterprises significant to the state, whose activities previously did not comply with Russian legislation.
gas turbine engine, start-up, production, mass repair
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