Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 629.4.021 Принципы конструирования
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
The problem of finding criteria for choosing between axial support and frame support drives for locomotives in the conditions of import substitution is considered. The changes in the criteria for choosing a traction drive design depending on the changes in requirements for locomotives are analyzed. The types of drives are compared according to their technological simplicity, weight and size indicators, the effect on the coupling properties of the locomotive and the damage to the track structure, taking into account the production of new traction drive designs of an integrated type with collector-free traction electric motors having an increased rotation frequency. It was found that for locomotives with collector traction motors, it is advisable to use a frame support drive with an axial gearbox or a hollow driveshaft, and when using collector-free traction motors , the axial support traction drive of an integrated layout on freight locomotives with 1250 mm wheel diameter to improve coupling properties by 12...15%, it is advisable to replace it with the one proposed by the authors, which is an aggregate-type drive with an elastic link in the shaft lines, or with frame support drives with an axial gearbox, and with a wheel diameter of 1050 mm – frame support drives with a hollow shaft on the axis. An application for a patent has been submitted for the proposed solutions.
drive, locomotive, machines, arc-stator asynchronous motor, dynamics, self-oscillation, reliability, design
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