graduate student
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 629.463.32 для перевозки жидких грузов
UDK 656.085.5 Аварии вследствие пожара
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
Emergency conditions caused by the open flame on the oil tanker lead to temperature stresses, which can result in weakening of the mechanical properties of the material, including rigidity and strength. The emergency state associated with the impact of the open flame on the tank boiler is considered. Exposure to elevated temperatures can cause the boiler damage, product spill, its ignition or explosure. The seal failure of the boiler shell leads to the product spill that can support the ignition process, as well as damage the environment. A technique to determine the loading capacity of a tank boiler in a flame hearth, taking into account geometric nonlinearity, is considered. The proposed technique is presented as PTC Mathcad program and allows to make fire protection systems during design stage. The study objective is to determine the loading capacity of a tank boiler in case of fire, taking into account geometric nonlinearity and the implementation of the developed technique for modeling SSS tank boiler shell in case of fire. To achieve this goal, the following tasks were solved: - the design diagram of the shell is developed; - all the assumptions needed for the calculation are considered and taken into account; - a mathematical model based on the nonlinear theory of shells is to developed; - Lagrangian field theory is applied to make an expression for potential energy; - stress-strain state of the tank boiler caused by uneven temperature field in case of fire is simulated; - the effect of geometric nonlinearity on the deformed state of the shell is evaluated. A technique is developed to simulate the stress-strain state of a tank boiler under the influence of an open flame, taking into account geometric nonlinearity. Using the developed technique, SSS of the shell in case of fire is determined by means of PTC Mathcad program; The maximum displacements of the tank boiler shell caused by the temperature difference in the fire source are given, taking into account geometric nonlinearity and without it.
boiler, tank, flame, mode, technique, temperature, voltage, Taylor series, Lagrangian field theory
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