Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 665.7.038.5 Антиокислительные и антикоррозионные присадки, противоизносные присадки, пассиваторы и дезактиваторы металлов
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The paper contains the results of laboratory tests of a new Rosoil-Akor anticorrosive additive, designed to improve the protective properties of oils for various purposes and fuels in comparison with the similar AKOR-1 additive from two Russian manufacturers. The physicochemical characteristics of the additives are defined. The effect of additives on the protective and anti-wear properties of transformer oils, motor oils and diesel fuel are studied. It is shown that the physico-chemical parameters of Rosoil-Akor additive meets the requirements of GOST 15171-78 Additive AKOP-I. Specifications. It is found that when exposed to salt fog, the protective ability of oils and diesel fuel with Rosoil-Akor additive is 3-10 times higher than with AKOR-1 additives. At higher values of relative humidity and air temperature, the protective ability of oils and diesel fuel with Rosoil-Akor additive is up to 25 times better than with AKOR-1 additives. All the additives under study increase the anti-wear properties of transformer oils, while the diameter of the wear spot of oil with Rosoil-Akor additive is 1.2-1.4 times smaller than oils with AKOR-1 additives. The addition of the studied additives to engine oils does not significantly affect the anti-wear properties of oils. The wear index of diesel fuel decreases with the addition of Rosoil-Akor and AKOR-1 additives (sample No. 1), but increases with the addition of AKOR-1 additive (sample No. 2). Test results show that the new Rosoil-Akor additive has high anticorrosive and anti-wear properties and can be used to improve the protective properties of oils for various purposes and diesel fuel instead of AKOR-1 additive.
corrosion, metals, protection, lubricating oils, fuel, additives, laboratory tests, properties
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