Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
Ufa, Ufa, Russian Federation
UDK 620.199 Ускоренные испытания. Испытания в более жестких, чем естественные, условиях
BBK 344 Общее машиностроение. Машиноведение
The paper objective is to find out the effect of various lubricants on the wear resistance of galvanized steel ropes manufactured according to GOST 2688-80 Two lay rope type LK-R construction 6 19(1 +6+6/6)+ 1 o. c. Dimensions. The research was carried out on a machine manufactured according to GOST 2387-80 Stell Ropes. Method of Endurahce testify under normal conditions, at negative temperatures and under periodic exposure to seawater. It is shown that many rope lubricants used by Russian metallurgical enterprises for impregnating galvanized steel ropes, when periodically exposured to seawater, reduce their wear resistance from 16 to 34% in relation to non-lubricated ropes. Only the universal rope lubricant Rosoil-K112 showed an increase in the wear resistance of galvanized steel rope by 23%. It was found that lubricants that maximize the wear resistance of galvanized steel rope during its operation in normal climatic conditions turned out to be completely ineffective at negative temperatures or when exposured by seawater. As a result of the work carried out, it was revealed that in order to increase the wear resistance of galvanized steel rope, additional studies are needed to investigate the interaction of galvanized coating and lubricating material under conditions of periodic exposure to seawater, as well as industrial tests of galvanized steel rope lubricated with universal rope lubricant Rosoil-K112.
wear resistance, lubrication, rope, seawater, tests
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