Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 629.463.32 для перевозки жидких грузов
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
The study objective is to determine the effect of residual deformations on the behavior of the boiler during operation. Tasks: to develop a creep model based on flow theory and a methodology for calculating creep deformations of a railway tank boiler that occur during long-term operation. The methods of elasticity and creep theory, finite element method are used. The novelty of the work is in the development of a methodology for determining residual deformations in the boiler of a tank car. The results of the study are the dependences of the value of residual deformations on various factors, the deformation of the boiler in the support zones, the selection of parameters of the creep model. Conclusions: in the study, the creep state equation is modeled, on which basis calculations of various technical solutions for reducing residual deformations in the boiler are carried out. The options are compared.
boiler, tank, method, elements, creep, state, theory, flow, deformation
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