Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
UDK 378 Высшее образование. Высшая школа. Подготовка научных кадров
UDK 929 Биографические и подобные исследования
UDK 308 Социография. Описательное изучение общества (как качественное, так и количественное)
BBK 30 Техника и технические науки в целом
The paper contains biographical data and information on the creative development of a famous scientist in the field of aerodynamics of turbomachines and heat engineering Aleksandr Ivanovich Kirillov. The stages of his scientific and pedagogical activity at St. Petersburg State Polytechnic University are described.
aerodynamics, heat engineering, turbomachines, numerical modeling, engineering education
1. Special Project Naukograd: Aleksandr Ivanovich Kirillov [Internet]. [cited 2023 May 17] Available from: https://www/spbstu.ru >news>studencheskaya_ zhizn
2. Kirillov Aleksandr Ivanovich [Internet]. [cited 2023 May 17] Available from: URL: https://www.tu-bryansk.ru/about?pochetnye-professora-bgtu/kirillov-aleksandr-ivanovich.
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6. Afanasyeva NN. Aerodynamic characteristics of thermal turbine stages. Leningrad: Mashinostroenie; 1980.
7. Galaev SA, Kirillov AI, Ris VV, Smirnov EM. Numerical modeling of unsteady flow in the last stage and output tube of a powerful steam turbine. St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. Natural and Engineering Sciences. 2019;25(4):42-53.
8. Kirillov AI, Chernikov VA, Semakina EYu, Isupov VYu. On the problem of numerical modeling of three-dimensional flow in the output diffuser of a gas turbine. St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. 2015;4(231):30-35.
9. Vasiliev YuS, Kirillov AI. Aleksandr Aleksan-drovich Radtsig (on the one hundred and fiftieth anniversary of his birth). St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. Natural and Engineering Sciences. 2019;25(1):194 - 199.
10. Fedorov MP, Vasiliev YuS, Porshnev GP, Kirillov AI. Energy and Machine-building Faculty is 70. St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. 2004;1(35):7-20.
11. Boronin VN, Kirillov AI, Korovkin NV, Sapozhnikov SZ. The content of fundamental engineering education at the Institute of Energy and Transport Systems of St. Petersburg State University. St. Petersburg Polytechnical University Journal. 2013;2(171):316 - 321.
12. Kirillov II. Preserved in memory. Notes of a turbine student. St. Petersburg: Publishing House of Polytechnic University; 2017.
13. Kirillov II, Kirillov AI. Theory of turbomachines. Examples and tasks: textbook for universities. Leningrad: Mashinostroenie; 1974.
14. Kirillov AI, editor. Research of gas turbine supercharging units of marine diesel engines. Bryansk: Priokskoe Book Publishing House; 1974.
15. Reznik AG. Memories of AI Kirillov (private message).