Chekhov, Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 2.5.5 Технология и оборудование механической и физико-технической обработки
UDK 621.91.02 Режущие инструменты
BBK 345 Общая технология машиностроения. Обработка металлов
The paper deals with a method for grapho-analytical modeling of micro-roughness (surface roughness) formed on the helical front surface of a cutting tool during its manufacture or resharpening using CNC grinding machines and grinding wheels with a simple shape of the generative surface. A simulation model of roughness on the formed front surface is presented, and a calculation scheme for determining its value is made. Based on the statistical results of the formed technological 3D models of helical front surfaces, the resulting equations of complete factorial experiments are presented, taking into account the combined influence of factors. Graphs of the normal distribution of the roughness parameter and the parameter of the grinding wheel installation affecting it are given. It is shown that an important result of modeling is the definition of the micro-roughness direction, and a recommendation is given to indicate the directions of micro-roughness in the drawings of the cutting tool in order to mearure roughness taking into account the requirements of regulatory and technical documentation.
tool, grooves, roughness, surface, 3D model, CNC machines, analysis
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