Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
UDK 629.4.027.4 Колеса
UDK 656.2 Эксплуатация железнодорожного транспорта
BBK 392 Железнодорожный транспорт
The problem of import-substituting components for the support-axial traction drive of an electric train with a wheel diameter of 950 mm is considered. As a result of the analysis, the disadvantages of the drive using foreign components are revealed: a high unsprung mass, which worsens the impact of the crew on the track, the difficulty of providing the required dynamic properties with elastic support of the motor-gear unit on the axle, the complexity of manufacturing and assembling the drive. The inexpediency of copying foreign solutions to create a domestic analogue of a traction drive is established. Variants of technically possible traction drive adapted for domestic production and easier to manufacture are considered. It is proposed to use a traction drive with a high-torque support - frame traction engine, with an increased outer diameter and the same circumferential speed of the rotor and an axial gearbox. It is proved that in this case, due to a decrease in the speed of the drive shaft, the design of the gearbox is simplified, which can be made single-reduction, and it becomes possible to use the developed and studied domestic flat rubber-cord couplings. A new design of the transverse rubber-cord coupling is proposed. For the case of using a domestic high-speed traction electric motor in the drive, it is proposed to use an aggregate-type traction drive. Two utility model patents are obtained for the proposed technical solutions and a patent application is filed.
drive, electric train, reliability, design, import substitution
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4. Poturaev VN. Rubber and rubber-metal parts of machines. Moscow: Mashinostroenie; 1966.
5. Vorobyov VI, Strizhenok AG, Izmerov OV. Search of new design schemes of geared and direct-drive traction mechanism of locomotive with mass partial springing. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. 2016;1(49):16-21.
6. Vorobyev VI, Pugachev AA, Izmerov OV, Nikolaev E.V. Search of rational engineeringsolutions of a diesel locomotive for Eastern Polygon. Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. 2021;10(107):53-63.
7. Vorobyov VI, Izmerov OV, Novikov VG, Vdovin AV, Bondarenko DA, Novikov AS, Vorobyov DV. Utility Model Patent No. 164797, Russian Federation, IPC B61C 9/48. Traction drive of a locomotive. 2016 Sep 20.
8. Vorobyev VI, Antipin DYa, Izmerov OV, Novikov AS, Pugachev AA, Bondarenko DA, Shorokhov SG. Utility Model Patent No. 176845, Russian Federation, IPC B61C 9/48, B61C 15/00, B60L 9/02. Traction drive of the locomotive. 2018 Jan 30.