Calculation optimal control system parameters for nonlinear dynamic processes of pulse voltage converters
Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
A technique for choosing the optimal control system parameters for DC voltage converters is proposed, based on the joint application of the theory of linear automatic control systems and the theory of nonlinear dynamic systems. A small-signal structural dynamic model of an open loop of an automatic control system based on a direct step-up voltage converter with a control system for nonlinear dynamic processes based on a delayed feedback method is considered. Applying this model makes it possible to carry out a scientifically substantiated choice of the control system parameters for nonlinear dynamic processes using the methods of linear automatic control system theory. Bode diagrams of an open loop system are calculated without additional control of nonlinear dynamic processes and with additional control. The efficiency of using control systems for nonlinear dynamic processes is shown, which allows eliminating undesirable dynamic modes without additional parametric synthesis of the controller and, consequently, without reducing the system performance as a whole. In addition, applying these methods allows adjusting the controller parameters to increase the system performance without switching the system to undesirable dynamic modes. The results obtained can be applied at the stage of designing wide-class DC voltage pulse converters

switching voltage converter, nonlinear dynamics, delayed feedback, automatic control system, frequency characteristics
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