ntelligent analysis of the attractiveness of the Bashkortostan republic municipalities on the basis of scenario forecasting and geoinformation technologies
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Abstract (English):
Socio-economic development of territories depends on many factors, one of which is the region population. Therefore, managing the migration flows is an important tool for solving various demographic, socio-economic and other problems. In recent years, the Republic of Bashkortostan has seen a continuous migration population outflow both to different regions of the Russian Federation and to other countries, which indicates that for the effective development of the territories it is necessary to regulate the region migration flows. To do this, it seems appropriate to increase the attractiveness level of the region municipalities. In this regard, this article is devoted to the intellectual analysis of the attractiveness of the Bashkortostan Republic municipalities based on scenario forecasting and geo information technologies, which will improve the decision-making efficiency in forming the Republic of Bashkortostan migration policy. In the study course, an analysis of existing approaches used in this subject area is carried out, a methodology for determining the attractiveness coefficient of municipalities is considered, and the results of predictive calculations of the region territory attractiveness are presented.

geo-information system, monitoring the attractiveness of municipalities, coefficient of territory attractiveness, scenario forecasting of the attractiveness of the Bashkortostan Republic municipalities
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