Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The aim of the study is a scientific description of continuous technological process control under uncertainty. The article is devoted to developing an approach to the control of continuous technological processes under uncertainty. Research methods are the methods of fuzzy set theory, automatic control theory, decision theory in fuzzy conditions, optimization and modelling. The novelty of the work lies in the fact that an approach to controlling continuous technological processes under conditions of uncertainty is proposed, which does not depend on the nature of the considered continuous technological processes. The general statement of the problem of controlling continuous technological processes under uncertainty is given. In general, each of the stages of solving the problem of controlling continuous technological processes under uncertainty is described. The study results are formulating the problem of controlling continuous technological processes under uncertainty, describing the scheme for solving this problem and applying this scheme for a specific continuous technological process to determine optimal controls. Findings: the proposed approach to the control of continuous technological processes under uncertainty can be used for various continuous technological processes

continuous technological process; decision maker, theory of fuzzy sets, membership function, generalized optimality criterion, mathematical model, linguistic variable, catalytic reforming
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