Penza, Penza, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
UDK 539.3 Механика деформируемых тел. Упругость. Деформации
The issues of modelling the impact of influencing factors on the roadway degradation are considered. Constant external disturbances in the form of temperature, dynamic and other influences lead to the degradation of the heterostructures that make up the roadway. To clarify the causes and conditions under which the most intense roadway destruction occurs, theoretical and experimental studies are needed on physical and mathematical models that describe road heterostructures. The aim of the work is mathematical modelling of the impact of influencing factors on the roadway degradation. Mathematical models of description are proposed. Estimating the influence of the main external factors on the occurrence of the road heterostructure degradation and recommendations for taking into consideration external and internal influences that cause road degradation are presented. The article obtains technological parameters of the roadway, under which destruction does not occur. The presented mathematical models make it possible to adequately describe the impact of external and internal factors on the roadway, to study the dynamics of the occurring phenomena in the degradation process, to establish the degree of influence on the road heterostructures and the destruction nature.
mathematical models, road destruction, causes of destruction, degradation of the roadway, cracking
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