Moscow, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation can be considered as a social system. Indeed, it is characterized by such universal (common to all social systems) characteristics as complex interrelation and interconitionality of internal processes, emergence, dynamics of social processes, and interconnection with outside environment. There are also a number of specific features of the social system of Tajik students studying at universities of the Russian Federation, namely as a social system. The application of a systematic approach, as well as the principles and concepts of management theory, makes it possible not only to formalize the very concept of the target asset (the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation), but also to describe its management system. Modeling of the target asset based on a set-theoretic approach was carried out for such difficult-to-formalize characteristics as personal data of Tajik students, data on their educational process, data on employment and obtaining additional professional skills, social and everyday nature data. For this purpose Boolean and linguistic variables are used in the work inter alia. The results obtained in the work of modeling the target asset (the social system of Tajik students studying in the Russian Federation) will subsequently describe not only the process of TS management, but also the specifics of monitoring the achievement of targets for the simulated management system.
social system, Tajik students, management system
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