Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Work objective is to develop a patentable design of locomotive traction drive mechanisms using the example of a suspension unit. Research methods: object modeling method, analytical methods for calculating dynamics of rolling stock. Research results and novelty: the design of the railway electric motor suspension unit, which will reduce costs in the course of maintenance and repair of a locomotive with a solid gear by increasing the reliability of the suspension unit parts, eliminating their wear, has been developed; a compensation coupling device has been devised. We will synthesize the object model of a technical system based on the identification of its typical structure by classifying technical systems. Conclusion: the application of the object modeling method together with the object model allows avoiding errors in the development of new designs of technical objects based on existing comparables and eliminates defects of the selected prototype. The use of the object modeling method makes it possible to synthesize patentable designs of the locomotive underframe mechanisms.
math modeling, suspension unit, measure matrix, self-excited frictional vibrations, compensation coupling device
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7. Utility model patent No. 202706 of the Russian Federation. Compensation coupling device of the locomotive drivers., Kosmodamiansky A.S., Vorobyev V. I., Izmerov O.V., Maslov M.A., Korchagin V.O., Strekalov N.N., Kapustin M.Yu., Samotkanov A.V., Shevchenko D.N.. Publ. 03.03.2021, bul. No. 7.