Ohrenburg, Orenburg, Russian Federation
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 73.31 Автомобильный транспорт
The purpose of the study is to determine the amount of bus transmission failures under the influence of climatic conditions during urban operation. The task is to define the frequency of consumption of parts and transmission units of city buses by the example of PAZ brand, taking into account the data of motor transport enterprises, as well as to assess the influence of seasons using harmonic method. Indicators of actual and estimated demand for parts of transmission units and other elements of vehicles will allow to predict the amount of stock and possible costs for the next year, and spare parts that may remain in warehouses in certain months can be redistributed during the year, thereby preserving the annual volume of orders. Consequently, the total operating costs will remain at the same level, which for the logistics service is a positive factor for solving planning tasks. The actual need for spare parts turned out to be 13% higher on average than the indicators obtained during experimental studies, which confirms the great influence of such a factor as climatic conditions during the operation of vehicles.
vehicles, conditions, operation, transmission, failure, costs, spare parts
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