Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
VAC 05.22.08 Управление процессами перевозок
VAC 05.25.05 Информационные системы и процессы
UDK 62 Инженерное дело. Техника в целом. Транспорт
GRNTI 20.15 Организация информационной деятельности
GRNTI 73.01 Общие вопросы транспорта
The purpose of the scientific work is to build a scheme for the interaction of modules of an automated system for integrated protection of strategically important resources of an enterprise, in particular, a transportation industry enterprise. To ensure a high efficiency of the presented system, efficient allocation between the modules is necessary for the protection functions. Within the framework of this task, the article presents sets of functions for each security module. The outstanding feature of the work is the proposed scheme of optimal interaction of the modules of the automated system of integrated protection of strategically important resources of the enterprise. The article considers the mechanism of isolation of "affected" resources (and modules) of the main automated control systems of a transportation enterprise, consisting of the sequential execution of the functions of forming "affected zones and quarantine", the function of redirecting datastream. The paper presents a structural diagram of the interaction of modules of an automated system for integrated protection of strategically important enterprise resources, sets of functions for each module are formed, a scheme for ensuring isolation of "affected" resources is presented, the main difficulties of implementing an automated system are described, in particular, the features of its implementation at the transportation industry enterprise connected with the client-server architecture of the main AS, a number of additional organizational and technical measures for protecting strategically important enterprise resources are proposed.
automation, information security, information protection, resources
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