Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Work purpose: the development of conditions for control automation ensuring tool essential qualities at the stage of finishing with glow discharge plasma. Investigation methods: based on the peculiarities of a human mental process the formation of an electronic model of a neural control system on the basis of engineering process monitoring in industry promoted cybernetic method carrying out for the increase of effectiveness and quality control during the management. The formation of an investigation process for computer technology use at the solution of the problem to ensure specified quality at the realization of engineering processes for metal working tool strengthening in the plasma generator of a glow discharge allowed creating an efficient system of control. The creation of conditions for the fulfillment of human cognitive potentialities with the high degree of similarity such as identification, accumulation and dissemination or transfer of information in the form of electromagnetic pulses similar to neural exchange allows optimizing a control system of quality of product strengthening in the plasma generator of a glow discharge. The formulation of a management solution in the form of the chain of commands in the neural network of the control system of the plasma generator of a glow discharge is formed in accordance with phenomena forming output responses and conditions ensuring their formation. Investigation results: for setting an optimum field of investigations and, accordingly, for increasing effectiveness of the automated control system of finishing quality under the glow discharge plasma impact during the whole engineering process the use of unique potentialities of continuous neural network monitoring is intended. The application of the neural network approach and its unique functions at the formation of the control system using the continuous monitoring of basic engineering process parameters of finishing ensuring specified quality of machining steps realized allows ensuring high repeatability at metal working tool strengthening. In the technological system developed all functions of control and management are based on the use of the neural network approach that allows visualizing its functioning on the monitor in the course of the whole engineering finishing process in the form of graphical dependence. Conclusions: 1. The use of unique potentialities of continuous neural network monitoring allows defining a optimum field of investigations at the lowest cost and accordingly increasing quality of the automated system of finishing quality control at the impact of glow discharge plasma. 2. Depending on material of a tool working part and conditions of tool operation in the surface layer there is formed an essential thermo-dynamic structure with the specified physical-mechanical properties that allows ensuring optimum repeatability. 3. The formation of conditions for the fulfillment with a high degree of similarity human cognitive potentialities such as identification, accumulation and dissemination or transfer of information in the form of electro-magnetic pulses similar to neural exchange allows optimizing a system of quality control of tools strengthened at the stage of glow discharge plasma finishing.

control, effectiveness, quality, neural network monitoring, plasma generator, environment

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