Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Moscow, Russian Federation
The features of the decision-making at a logistics enterprise are shown. The assignment problem solution on the example of a specific commodity item made it possible to determine the directions of increasing the efficiency of the warehouse complex functioning, to propose the distribution of goods by cells, to find the optimal option for storing goods in the warehouse of a specific logistics enterprise.
assignment task, making logical decisions
1. Orlov, A. I. Organizational and economic modeling: theory of decision-making: textbook. for universities / A. I. Orlov. - Moscow: KNORUS, 2017. - 568 p - - ISBN 978-5-406-04089-8.
2. Litvak, B. G. Expert assessments and decision-making / B. G. Litvak-Moscow: Patent, 1996 - - 271 p. - ISBN 5-7518-0010-9.
3. Guskova, E. A. Development of organizational and economic methods for improving the efficiency of an industrial enterprise on the basis of an econometric approach: specialty 08.00.05 "Economics and management of the national economy": abstract for the degree of Candidate of Economic Sciences / E. A. Guskova; Bauman Moscow State Technical University-Moscow, 2015. - 123 p.
4. Methodological recommendations for evaluating the effectiveness of investment projects and their selection for financing. - Text : electronic / / Electronic fund of legal and normative-technical documents: official website. - 1994. - URL: (accessed: 20.04.2021).
5. Orlov, A. I. Statistical methods of forecasting / A. I. Orlov // Small Russian Encyclopedia of Prognostics / - Moscow: Institute of Economic Strategies, 2017. - p. 148-153 - ISBN 5-93618-125-1.
6. Averchenkov, A.V., Modeling of the socio-economic development of the Bryansk region for the information advising system . / A.V. Averchenkov, E. E. Averchenkova, D. I. Goncharov. - Bryansk: Bulletin of BSTU, 2017 No. 4 (57). - p. 137-143.
7. Averchenkova, E. E., Automated management decision-making based on models and algorithms of the information advising system / E. E. Averchenkova, A.V. Averchenkov. - Bryansk: Information Systems and Technologies of BSTU, May-June 2016 No. 3 (95). - pp. 31-39.