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Abstract (English):
An approach to determining the systemic increase in the management efficiency of the Regional Socio-Economic System (RSES) control system is presented, which is based on the emergence property. It is shown that the cumulative synergistic effect is accumulated due to both the mutual positive influence of the RF National Project indicators on each other, and due to introducing the proposed methodology for managing the RSES, which allows timely adjusting the managerial impact on the RSES, which will give the opportunity to achieve the declared targets of the RF National Projects at the stated time.

regional socio-economic system, synergy
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11. Averchenkova, E.E. Methodology for Modeling the Management of the Regional Socio-Economic System / E.E. Averchenkova, F.Yu. Lozbinev // Digital Region: Experience, Competencies, Projects: Proceedings of the International Scientific and Practical Conference. - Bryansk: Bryansk State Engineering and Technology University, 2019. - pp. 21-25. - 814 p. - ISBN: 978-5-98573-244-3

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