Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The article deals with the concept of technological order as urgent and empirically justified continuation of the known theory of long waves in economy. The theory of long waves allows to predict world economic crises and economic growth at the empirical level for 50 years. Genesis of long waves theory by means of retrospective author's classification of long waves theo-ries according to technological, economic, institutional, administrative and social features is analyzed. The main group of authors who have created modern and urgent theory of long waves checked by time and strengthened by empirical calculations is: N.D. Kon-dratiev, G. Mensh, J. Dosi, Sh. Perez, S.Yu. Glazyev. The academician Glazyev has formed the concept of the technological order which is empirically proved continuation of the long waves theory. In this concept the main statements-laws, and the need of methodological approaches for technological, economic, institutional, administrative and sociological areas are revealed. An obvious property of the technological coherence of productions is considered. The logic of formation and interaction of technological units is described in detail. The conclusions are drawn about the presence of technological order. The technological innovations defining the core formation of technological way and revolutionizing technological structure of economy have received the name "key factor". Such factor now and for the next 50 years is nanotechnologies. Conclusions are drawn concerning the main property of the technological order which is a self-reproducing integrity because of that technical development of economy is only possible by consecutive change of technological orders.

theory of long waves, technological order, nanotechnologies.
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