Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Author's experience of studying of managerial de-cision-making features by managers of the regional government on the example of the Bryansk region is presented in the article, the information approach al-lowing to increase efficiency of decision-making on the basis of information advising system is offered. The author defines decision-making process at the regional level as a cyclic sequence of managers’ ac-tions of the regional government aimed at solving tasks. The assessment of features of managerial deci-sion-making at the regional level was carried out by direct observation method. Labor duties, main functio-nality, a zone of managers’ responsibility of elementa-ry, middle and top management of the Government of the Bryansk region have been studied for this purpose. So, in process of management decision-making at the regional level managers should rely on own profes-sional skills, last experience, intuition. Information, which is a basis for decision-making, is formed by the external environment, and, respectively, is characte-rized by increased complexity, heterogeneity and dis-crepancy. When tasks are difficult and vaguely formu-lated the reliance only on intuition increases the risk of incorrect or non-optimal decision-making. Thus, auto-mation of decision-making support is the way of opti-mization of administrative activity. Use of the information advising system is defined by the author as a science-practical approach with support of decision-making at the regional level because it is based on processing of a large amount of information using statistical methods, method of expert evaluations, fuzzy sets, etc. Thus, formation of a management decision com-plex proposed by the information advising system al-lows to increase the accuracy and reliability of recom-mendations, and favorably differs from the decisions made by means of the traditional methods based on an intuition of the managing director or on a concept of "common sense".

black management decision, regional management, the Bryansk region, information advising system, decision-making support.
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