Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
Russian Federation
Bryansk, Bryansk, Russian Federation
The problems in assurance of information security for the automated system under development are considered. The model of threats to security is formulated. A topicality and possibility of threats realization, a level of design protection of the information system developed are defined. Peculiarities in the formation of an information security module and its correlation with other elements of a structural-functional circuit of an automated system are considered.
information security, information advising system, model
1. Averchenkova, Е.E. Development of structural-functional circuit and algorithms of information advising system operation on management solutions-making formation at enterprise/ Е.E. Averchenkova, А.V. Averchenkov, V.K. Cherkasov, D.V. Aksenenko// Bulletin of Bryansk State Technical University. - 2015. - № 4 (48). - pp. 113-120.
2. Averchenkova, Е.E. Information approach to evaluation of economic security level in regional social-economic systems/ Е.E. Averchenkova, N.А.Kulagina// Urgent Problems of Social-Humanitarian Researches in Economy and Management: Proceedings of the II-d Inter. Scientific-Pract. Conf. of Teaching Staff, Masters and Students of the Faculty of Economy and Management (Bryansk, December 10, 2015): in 2 Vol. / under the editorship of Е.I.Sorokina, Е.А.Dergacheva. - Bryansk: BSTU, 2015. - Vol.1. - pp.146-152.
3. Averchenkova, Е.E. Peculiarities in regional social-economic systems management based on fuzzy logic/ Е.E.Averchenkova, А.V.Averchenkov// Economic Systems of Modern Economy: Theoretical and Practical Problems of Development: corporate author / under the editorship of А.D.Shafronov, Yu.N.Katkov. - Bryansk: New project, 2015. - pp. 35-53.
4. Averchenkova, Е.E. Formation of regional information advising system of estimating-diagnostic character/ Е.E.Averchankova, А.V.Averchenkov, V.К.Cherkasov// Bulletin of Slavic Colleges. - Tiraspol, 2015. - № 4. - pp. 121-127.
5. Borodaky, Yu.V. Method for definition of information value to estimate risks of information security in automated systems of management/ Yu.V.Borodaky, G.V.Kulikov, А.V.Nepomnyashchikh// Information Techniques Safety. - 2005. - № 1. - pp. 41-42.
6. Method for formal models formation of threats realization to information security of automated systems / О.Yu.Makarov, V.А.Khvostov, N.V.Khvostova// Bulletin of Voronezh State Technical University. - 2010. - Vol.6. - №11. - pp. 22-25.
7. Formal model of full set of threat realizations to information security of automated systems / V.А.Khvostov, М.А.Bagaev, А.А.Kislyak// Bulletin of Voronezh State Technical University. - Vol.7. - № 2. - pp. 33-37.