Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moskva, Moscow, Russian Federation
Modern society more often comes across with the psychological-engineering treats. Malefactors present themselves as relatives or organization staff for motivation to send money. As a result, even very clever people trust them and take the bait, and only through time understand what had happened. Malefactors often use as instrument the telephone. The article devote to model which allows carrying out analysis of sound traffic for detection of described threat.
information security, sound traffic analysis.
1. Myasnikova, E.N. Objective speech sound detection / E.N. Myasnikova. - M.: Library for automatic equipment, 2013. - Issue 242. - 156 p.
2. Horev, P.B. Methods and means of information protection in computer systems: Manual / P.B. Horev. - M.: Academy, 2005. - 256 p.