Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
Possible options for automated testing of analog chips with universal testers «Formula 2K» and PXI hardware company «National Instruments», as well as through a dedicated tester TR9574 Hungarian company «EMG». Described by authors developed automated testers: ATIKOU (test chip comparators and operational amplifiers) and ATIAUDIO (test chip audio amplifiers).

automated testing, analog chips, testers, audio amplifiers, comparators, operational amplifiers.
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1. Bertu, F. Measuring and control equipment - what form-factor to choose? / F. Bertu // Electronics: science, technology, business. - 2013. - No. 8. - pp. 148 - 150.

2. Tester "Formula 2K". Access mode: http://www.form.ru/?option=com_content&;view=article&id=6&Itemid=184&vmenu=0.

3. Testing system of operational amplifiers. Access mode: http://russia.ni.com/systems/electronics/operationalamplifiers.

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