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Abstract (English):
The necessity of changes in the procedure of teaching the subject “Engineering Graphics” in engineering colleges taking into account current requirements to graduates’ knowledge is substantiated. The innovations in this field are described. By the composite author is developed the didactic material for the course “Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geome-try” containing tasks for self-dependent work of stu-dents and for a work in a classroom. The structure of didactic material includes some blocks the subjectmatter of which is divided on topics. The didactic material is approved at the teaching of such subjects as “Engineering Graphics”, “Engineering and Computer Graphics”, “Engineering Graphics and Descriptive Geometry” in the Moscow Aircraft Institute (National Research University). The application of the developed didactic material on engineering graphics contributed to the students’ progress improvement and quality increase in mastering teaching material.

engineering graphics, descriptive geometry, computer graphics, didactic material, teaching procedure
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