Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
In the paper is made an attempt to consider professional environment as a basis for practice under conditions of a modern high dynamic society for which there were considered not only theoretical aspects of a corresponding range of questions, but a current practice by the example of higher professional education in China. The first part of the paper is devoted to the consideration of perception categories, knowledge, and intelligence in scientific sources. The second part of the paper touches upon the questions of the education influence upon a profession choice. In the third part of the paper the process of higher education perfection in the CPR on the basis of the university number dynamics, the number of students and lecturers, university entrants, schoolleavers and a number of other indices is considered. As a result of the analysis carried out it is possible to draw a conclusion of that the higher education in China has passed a long way of development and at the same time have grown its quantitative indices and last but not least qualitative ones.

professional environment, labor motivation, practice, professional growth, higher education, China
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