Abstract and keywords
Abstract (English):
The solution of problems belonging to assurance of high quality and accuracy of a surface at machining in mechanical engineering was always one of the primary and priority tasks. A considerable part of all technological operations connected with shaping falls at machining. At that the operations connected with milling occupy a rather large share of all processes of machining in a variety of production branches. In the course of the study of shaping and aspects of quality formation at machining it is established that anodicmechanical operation can promote effectively the quality increase of aluminum surface and its alloys at turning. Unlike turning at milling it is necessary to take into account other character of the interaction of a cutter with a surface worked and also the existence of some cutting edges which can contribute to the roughness growth at the macrolevel. A considerable influence upon quality of a surface under formation at aluminum alloy anodic milling have: materials of a work piece and a tool, technical and geometrical parameters of a tool, a milling direc-tion, scale formation, a magnitude of current and voltage in the area of a contact of a tool and a work piece, the availability and a type of cutting emulsion (or a mixture and concentration of electrolyte), and also a way of its feed.

aluminum, milling, shaping, finishing, roughness, combined working, quality parameters, AMT
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