Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
Moscow, Moscow, Russian Federation
The purpose of this work is to reveal the influence of the location of the product grown upon roughness during shaping at prototyping. To achieve the goal specified there were chosen plates with dimensions 10x10x3mm, and the surface investigated – a plane 10x10mm. Some sets of plates were printed on a 3D printer Envision Ultra 2 of high-temperature photo –polymeric resin NTM 140 according to Direct Light Projection (DLP). The plates made of NTM 140 after extraction from a printer have temperature durability of 140°C. For more exact and deep researches of the phenomenon mentioned there was used a method of atomic – power microscopy (APM) for the definition of the surface micro-relief in samples under investigations. As a basic tool for the analysis of surface micro-relief a scanning microprobe microscope Solver Pro, and program package WSxM allowed obtaining 3D images of a surface layer of samples. It is evident from the results presented that at the formation of a flat by means of the quick prototyping method according to a DLP type technology the most optimum scheme of location is that at which the angle of basic plane slope makes 8°.
prototyping, machinery, photopolymer, layered printing, roughness, location conditions
1. Grabchenko, А. I. Integrated generative Techniques: Manual / А. I. Grabchenko, Yu. N. Vnukov, V.L. Dobroskok;Ed. А.I. Grabchenko. - Kharkov: NTU “KhPI”, 2011. - pp. 416.