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Abstract (English):
A new world trend consists in additive technologies or 3D – printing – product layer growth out of powder, liquid or sheet material. It is emphasized that these techniques will become a core of the sixth technological mode. There are revealed branches of economy and industry where 3D-printing finds an application. There are shown potentialities for additive techniques excluding any limitations for common working technologies. Possible materials for the realization of these techniques are mentioned. A large extent of materials from the skill of 3D printing application in motorcar industry as one of leading branches in mechanical engineering and a source for the creation and a considerable consumer of innovations is shown. New market recesses for smallscale, medium – size and large works in the field of 3D – printing at all stages of a life cycle of motor transport are pointed out. Different approaches to the innovations of large companies and smallscale business is emphasized. The paper reports the analysis of prospects for 3D-printing development in motorcar industry, and also in repetition work, batch and singlepart production. The state of these techniques in Russia and successes achieved are shown. The problem matters on the additive technique introduction in our country and the ways for their solution are presented.

innovations, additive techniques, 3D-printing, motorcar industry, tuning, resource saving, green technologies, personnel
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