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Abstract (English):
In a number of engineering problems in the development of automated systems arises a necessity in the computation and design of a fluid power drive (FPD) in conformity with particular technological schemes for which there are no finished industrial products or it is necessary to carry out a sufficiently exact correspondence of operating characteristics with specified engineering data. In this case one does not carry out the selection of standard elements for a fluid power drive, but performs their designing, where there were used modern approaches and methods of the computeraided design. As operation results show, a designed fluid power drive in most cases cannot possess required for system functioning dynamic properties: performance, capacity for a decrement, sensitivity and so on. According to the investigations, they depend in many respects upon such characteristics of a hydrosystem as static fluid of a hydrocylinder and piping, time constant of transient and damping coefficient. If we consider the process of FPD designing as a procedure of a parametric synthesis, then the research of its variants with different combinations of parameter values gives a possibility not only to choose geometrical dimensions for a unit, but to estimate its potential operational functionalities. At present time as one of the effective approaches in the realization of such a solution may be the application of methods for the evolutionary simulation, where each object analyzed is considered as an individual. As an example of the evolutionary simulation there are considered the results of FPD servicing characteristics estimate computed on bases of design data for a forklift truck. The graphic dependences obtained establish the extreme correlations of hydraulic actuator operational characteristics which stipulate for a stable work of the fluid power drive in the transient behavior without special damping devices. Results of the evolutionary simulation allow analyzing the influence of parameters mentioned upon the damping coefficient changes and drawing a conclusion for decision making for the choice of such a design variant of a fluid power drive at which there would be ensured the best servicing characteristics of the plant.

fluid power drive, servicing characteristics, evolutionary simulation, forecasting, optimization
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