00863naa#a2200205#i#450# EN\\bibl\50174 20240901051244.7 2223-4608 20220530b2022####ek#y0engy0150####ca RU Comparative evaluation of the effect of additive synthesis technologies on the number and size of pores in the product Journal article Bryansk Bryansk State Technical University 2022 6 с. Journal article local Сварка и родственные процессы. 621.791 Нагрев. Термообработка. Упрочнение в холодном состоянии. 621.78 Kirichek Andrey Viktorovich Fedonin Oleg Nikolaevich Fedonina Svetlana Olegovna Sergeev Aleksey Grigor'evich bstu.editorum.ru